On The Issues

the economy

The politicians in Hartford are confused. They are under the impression that they have more of a right to the money you earn than you do. As it stands Connecticut is the 5th highest per capita income taxed state, the 12th highest for sales tax rate, and the 5th highest for property tax rates. All of this taxation does not lead to a prosperous state. Currently Connecticut is 42 in cost of living, 47th in economic opportunity, 41st in housing affordability, and 8th in debt burden. 

Single party Democratic rule has led our state down a path of fiscal failure and no economic growth. We need a change. I believe in vigorously paying down our state debt. Currently, Connecticut has a per capita debt burden of $14,800 and the cost to service that debt is $3,000,000,000 per year or around 6% of the budget. Paying down that debt will free up funds and allow us to reduce the amount of tax revenue we are extracting from our citizens. Leaving more money in the pockets of taxpayers will relieve much of the family budget woes the citizens of Connecticut have been facing over the past 4 years.


I believe that parents and students should have a choice in which school they attend. Being obligated to a single local school based only on the area you live is archaic and leads to generational poverty. School choice would allow parents to choose which school best fits their child. Tying funding to that student gives the school an incentive to create positive outcomes for their students as funding directly correlates to how well their students do. This market based approach to education puts the power in the parents hands to determine what their child’s education should look like.

Along with this a repeal of Sec. 10-262j. Minimum Budget Requirements will allow towns to reduce their ballooning education budgets. Currently, towns are required to maintain the same budget they did the previous year, with some exceptions, else they will receive no state funding. This causes an upward pressure on school budgets as they can never cut their budgets without the blessing of the state. This is one of the major upward pressures on property taxes in Norwich.

Gun Rights

I am a 2nd amendment absolutist. The meaning of the second amendment is clear, the history behind the intent of the amendment is clear. Connecticut’s gun control laws are unconstitutional federally and violate the Connecticut Constitution. I will never vote to restrict the people of Connecticut’s rights and I will work to repeal the current laws that violate the people’s second amendment rights


The Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade put the question of abortion in the hands of the state. The Constitution explicitly placed questions such as abortion in the hands of the State as was the right decision by the Supreme Court. Connecticut has codified the right to abortion and as a strict Constitutionalist I respect the will of the voters of this state.


Government has been using new technology to circumvent your rights. Law enforcement has been bypassing the need to get warrants to your data by purchasing the data directly from Facebook, Google and other data brokers. I will work to pass legislation forcing law enforcement to obtain a warrant before obtaining your data and work to prohibit government organizations from purchasing data from 3rd parties.

Other Issues

As a motorcyclist current traffic law prohibits our ability to safely ride. It has been shown all across Europe, and now in 5 states, that lane filtering and lane splitting is safe and allows the rider to position themselves safely in traffic. When elected I will be proposing a lane filtering and splitting bill to give riders the ability to safely navigate traffic.